Virginia Beach, VA – Students from our area attended the 2024 State Leadership & Recognition Conference, held from April 12-14 at Virginia Beach, showcasing their commitment to leadership and community involvement.

The conference, a key event for student development, featured an array of activities including leadership workshops, competitive events, and networking opportunities. The conference included the "Student Body Zen Zone" on Friday afternoon, a space dedicated to stress relief and team-building activities that allowed students to unwind and connect with peers from across the state.

A highlight of this year's conference was its focus on community service. Virginia FCCLA continued its tradition of outreach by supporting the Family Consumer Science (FCS) program at the secondary school in Mukuni Village, Zambia. This initiative, championed by state officers, involved collecting monetary donations to aid FCS classrooms in desperate need of supplies and equipment. Contributions were facilitated through activities such as the Bead Blast event at the FCCLA Expo, where attendees created custom mementos, with proceeds going towards the cause.

Students' participation in these projects not only exemplifies their dedication to making a global impact but also enhances their educational experience through practical application of their skills and knowledge. During the conference, chapters that made significant donations were recognized at the Opening Session, with the highest donor receiving special honors and priority seating.

Our students returned enriched with experiences and insights from the conference, ready to apply their newly gained knowledge in their studies and future careers, making our community proud of their achievements and commitment to both local and international service initiatives.